It is Christmas Eve Day. I am in my office today and reflecting on the wonderful Christmas services we had yesterday, last night and the many years of ministry here at the Congregational Church. I think back to 2007 when I accepted the call I
had no idea what to expect since I had never been a “senior” Pastor before. It has been an adventure to say the
least. It has also been a learning
experience and a blessing. I will
readily admit as Freddie Mercury from Queen says, "And bad mistakes... I made a few" but I think (by the power of the
Holy Spirit) I did many things right.
Needless to say God has been gracious to me over the years.
I am so thankful for the
friends I have made over the years and especially those who have stood with me through the joyous and the difficult times. You have been a wonderful support and I am grateful for all the blessings you have been to me. I am also thankful for the church family
who has served my family and me in many ways that have been huge blessings for us as well. Thank you for your patience and understanding as I serve as a young and growing Pastor who is still learning the ropes. Most of all thank you for being the Body of Christ who is determined to show the love of Jesus to a world that so desperately needs Him.
I pray that everyone who is reading this begins the New Year committing to spend time with God every day and make 2013 the year where you will grow closer to our Lord and fall deeply in love with his word. I also pray you have a VERY Merry Christmas and continue to keep your focus on Jesus who is (as Stryper says) "The Reason For the Season.