Wednesday, May 14, 2008

The Source of Our Strength

I Thessalonians 1:2, "We give thanks to God always for all of you, constantly mentioning you in our prayers."

Aren't you glad people are praying for you? I know I am. I believe the reason I am a pastor today is because someone has been praying diligently for me. Nothing makes me happier than knowing someone cares enough about me that he/she would take time out of his/her busy life to lift me up in prayer. Isn't that mind boggling? Maybe it's not to you but it certainly is for me.

I am sure most of us desire to have someone like Paul in our life; to have a man or a woman who constanly lifts you up in prayer. To have a person who says, "God, I don't know what Jeff (or insert your name) is up to this day or what needs he has, but I want to mention him to you today and ask you bless the heck out of him and his ministry" is so much more valuable than any riches in life.

Prayer is such a powerful tool and I think we as Christians don't utilize it nearly as often as we should. I am as guilty as the next person concerning neglect of prayer, but I know that this is one avenue that God has given me to keep in communication with him and I must be disciplined to maintain that line of communication. I think God must be in heaven scratching his head in wonder as to how I must be disciplined to make time for him. I can get so consumed in life that I forget to talk to the Creator and the one who matters most in life. I forget!? How often I neglect my primary source of power simply because I either forget, don't want to or we think I don't have the time.

The reality is I don't feel like praying everyday. I don't make time to pray. I sometimes think prayer boring. Nevertheless I think it is an important and necessary part of every believers life. However God constantly reminds me of the words and actions of Paul and the Apostles in the Scriptures. I'm sure when they were in prison for a crime they never committed the last thing they "felt" like doing was praying... But that's what they did. I'm sure when the mobs were surrounding them and beating them they didn't have the time to pray... But that's what they did. I am also sure that there were times when they would have rather been out doing something other than praying... But praying is what they did. WHY? Because it was their lifeline and they saw the value of prayer. That's where I want to be in my walk with the Lord.

In conclusion, what is my random thought for the day? It's time to MAKE TIME and PRAY.

Prayerfully yours,

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