"and to wait for his Son from heaven, whom he raised from the dead, Jesus who delivers us from the wrath to come." (1 Thessalonians 1:10, ESV)
Sorry, I went off track for a few posts. I have had a lot on my plate and I have been trying to hash out some thoughts with my previous posts. Now I'm back in I Thessalonians and glad to be back...
Since the Thessalonians have turned from idols and worshiped the "living and true God" they now anticipated Jesus' return. They were living with the hope that Jesus would return soon and they anticipated the day. I can understand how they felt. I too look forward to Christ's return.
I know there are a lot of "theories" on how and when Christ will return. You have the Premillenial view, Postmillenial view and the Amillenial view. Theologians have argued for years about how and when Christ will return and I have my beliefs and convictions. However there are people who have predicted dates and they have been wrong, others play it safe and predict an era or a generation when he will return and even others have made a nice living getting people all worried about the idea that we are living in the "end times". The truth is we don't know when Jesus will return. God's word says, only God knows the day, the hour and the time. We get our boxers in a bunch arguing about when, where and how and I think we just need to live our lives as though Jesus may return any day. I don't know if I am being irreverant or even blasphemous but I don't really care how or when Jesus returns. I just want Him to return and I live in anticipation of that day.
Will there be a rapture? Will it be pre, mid or post trib? Will Jesus come back tomorrow? Will He be back today? I honestly don't know. I have actually stopped filling my mind with end times scenarios. All I know is Jesus will return some day (as the Bible says) and it will be a glorious day for the believer and it will be horrific for those who do not believe.
Random thought: Don't worry about tomorrow for tomorrow will take care of itself. Live your life in anticipation of the Lord's return today and be ready.
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