Thursday, December 23, 2010

The Mortal Sin of Blogging

I have committed the mortal sin of blogging. You may be thinking, what pray tell is the mortal sin of blogging? No entries in over TWO YEARS! I sit here red faced (from embarrassment) because it has been over TWO YEARS (did I mention that?) since I have entered anything on this site. If this blog were my child I would have been thrown into jail for neglect!

So, what is my reason for not blogging in over two years?
1) I haven't had anything to say in two years
2) I simply forgot I had a blog
3) Laziness
4) Why blog since nobody reads this anyway?

First off, if any of you know me personally you know I am never short for words or stirring up controversial discussions (especially in the arena of ministry and Christianity). I think providentually God kept me from blogging because I would have gotten in trouble with some of the thoughts, feelings and ramblings I would have posted these past few years.

Secondly, I did forget I had a blog page. I have moved into a new home since my last post. You know when you pack something in a box and a year later open the box and say, "Oh yeah, I forgot I packed this thing." That's kind of the moment I had this morning when I found this blog page.

Thirdly, blogging may not sound like a lot of work but it is when you aren't disciplined in this area. I am disciplined in my morning coffee (maybe obsessed is more like it). I am disciplined in keeping my iTunes collection updated and in order. I am disciplined in shoveling the driveway when it snows. However I am not disciplined in blogging. Most days it is just easier to say, "I'm not writing today... It's too much work and I don't have the energy to do it." Which leads to the fourth reason.

Why blog since no one is reading it? Honestly, that is probably biggest reason I don't blog regularly. The only thing worse than preaching one of your best sermons to an empty sanctuary is pouring your thoughts, feelings and ramblings out for the whole world to see and nobody (or at least hardly anyone) cares enough to read it.

If I feel this way (specifically #4) then why am I bothering even posting now? I don't know... But I guess I am going to give this another try. I am not promising a daily blog update. Sure I will probably have a lot of posts at first but it will eventually taper off and I need you (faithful reader, whoever you are) to keep me on my toes. A simple hello would be a good motivator, a comment now and then would be nice and the grand prize would be to become a follower (Wow, that is the Cadillac of motivations).

So maybe I will talk to you tomorrow... or maybe I won't.

Random thought: I repent for committing the mortal sin of blogging. I hope it is not too late and I can be forgiven of this treachery.


Mancipes said...

Hello! I didn't even know you had a blog : ) Count me in though!

cjewing said...

Quite creative way of confession :) Keep at it, I read a few blogs, yours may as well be another :)