Lord, give me strength and wisdom to get through this day and coming year. May I be a man who reflects the heart of Jesus. May your Word be alive in me and that I live my life today as your servant. Help me to be the husband and father you have called me to be. May the fruit of the Spirit be evident in me as I am loving, patient, gentle, and kind in all of my actions towards my family. I lift them up before you and intercede on their behalf. I pray my children will continue to follow you daily and you would protect them from giving in to the temptations of the world. Give them wisdom in their decision making, actions and in their friendships. As a father and husband may my I love be evident to my family the way it is evident in your love for the Church.
As a servant of your flock I pray for wisdom in leading this congregation in 2011. Shield me from the fiery darts of gossip, slander, criticism, anger, bitterness that may come my way. Continually remind me that I am here in Spring Valley not by the calling of man but by the divine appointment of you. Give me the courage to speak the truth in love every week and not words only to make people feel good. May the words of my mouth and the teachings I teach be acceptable to you Lord and inspired by You.
Raise up leaders in our midst who love you, are devoted to you and well grounded in your Word. I pray the Congregational Church will be a light in this town and we would be a reflection of You. Give us a passion to love you, love others and make disciples of Christ. Protect this flock from the lures of the evils of this world. Watch over our marriages and families. May your Spirit break through to the youth of our community and cause them to live their lives for you unashamedly. Keep our elderly close to you and continually remind them they are loved and cared for. For our widows, widowers and singles bring peace and comfort into their lives and fulfill the desires of their hearts. To the unsaved who attend week after week and hear the Word; break through to their hearts this week and may they enter into a love relationship with you.
God you are faithful and trustworthy. You have not failed your people at all. I put complete trust and all hope into you for this day and for this coming New Year. Pour your Spirit out plentifully on our church and in this community. Flood the valley with your Spirit and bring new life to us Lord.
I pray this all in Jesus' name.
Amen Pastor!!!
Yup, you said it. Amen :)
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