1) Paul declares, “I am not ashamed of the Gospel…"Why do you think he declares so boldly that he is not ashamed of the Gospel?

2) The cross of Christ (this is essential to the Gospel) and the Gospel itself is and was considered by many outsiders and unbelievers to be foolishness. It was a crutch, a superstition, a fairy tale or just plain idiotic.
3) People who followed the cross (Christians) are/were thus considered fools as well.
- I Cor. 1:18 – For the word of the cross is folly to those who are perishing. But the power of salvation to those who believe
- I Cor. 1:21 – Through the foolish preaching of the cross salvation is available to those who put their saving faith in Jesus Christ.
- I Cor. 4:10 – We are fools for Christ’s sake, but are wise in Christ’s eyes.
4) Paul was not going to shy away from preaching this Gospel nor was he going to hide it or try to act like it didn’t impact his life.
5) How many of us shy away from boldness in the Gospel? We make excuses like not wanting to come across as a pushy Christian, don’t want to be made fun of for your faith or we think that for some ridiculous reason we may come across as “overly righteous”.
6) We need to learn from Paul… There is nothing to be ashamed of with the Gospel. The Gospel message is to be proclaimed boldly both through our words and in our actions.
7) The word Gospel is derived from the Greek word Euaggeleion (Yoo-ang-ghel-ee-on) which means good tidings or good news.
8) Why is Paul so bold about this Gospel and how can we take on this same attitude?
5) How many of us shy away from boldness in the Gospel? We make excuses like not wanting to come across as a pushy Christian, don’t want to be made fun of for your faith or we think that for some ridiculous reason we may come across as “overly righteous”.
6) We need to learn from Paul… There is nothing to be ashamed of with the Gospel. The Gospel message is to be proclaimed boldly both through our words and in our actions.
7) The word Gospel is derived from the Greek word Euaggeleion (Yoo-ang-ghel-ee-on) which means good tidings or good news.
- The glad tidings of the kingdom of God which has come and is still to come through Jesus the Messiah.
- Central themes of the Gospel – Ultimately it is salvation through Christ.
a. The death of Jesus Christ has reconciled (or made peace) with God and those who believe will be saved. He was bruised for our iniquity.
b. The resurrection and exaltation of Jesus Christ. He rose again for our justification.
c. The return of Christ in majesty and His coming Kingdom.
8) Why is Paul so bold about this Gospel and how can we take on this same attitude?
- It is the power of salvation – It is a mighty work of God to deliver, preserve and keep safe in Christ those who believe in Christ in faith.
- Future salvation – The redemption we will all receive when we pass from this life to eternity.
- As A.W. Pink states, “We are saved from the penalty of sin, saved from the power (influence) of sin, and the pleasure of sin” (no true believer can find pleasure in sinful acts without guilt to follow).
- Douglas Moo writes about salvation “can denote generally God’s provision for a person’s spiritual needs… It must also include the restoration of the sinner to share in God’s glory.”[1]
- Many Christians have the idea of salvation wrong. They think that the Gospel is a “get out of hell free” card or is a “fire protection” policy.
- It is more than being saved from eternal death. It is the guarantee of a fruitful and abundant life on earth and the inheritance of future glory (eternal life).
9) This salvation is for everyone who believes. Saving faith or putting complete faith and trust in God who justifies sinners through the cross of Christ.
10) "Faith is not a work of mental exercise or an emotional experience. We cannot boast that we have sufficient faith to merit God's love. Saving faith expresses human yieldedness and confess that there is nothing about us that should make God love us. We rely on Jesus alone to save us from sin." Brian Cappell
11) “To the Jew first and also to the Greek” – Salvation (through the Gospel) is for everyone (Jews and Greeks) however this verse means the Gospel was first given to the Jews originally and eventually was made available to Gentiles.
The Gospel and the Righteousness of God
1) Not only does the Gospel show the power of God unto salvation but also in this Gospel the righteousness of God is revealed.
2) Righteousness – This is an attribute which means all that is right. The Gospel brings light to or uncovers the faithfulness, goodness, kindness, grace, mercy justice and proper(ness) of God. There is no wrong, evil or injustice in Him.
3) God’s righteousness is unveiled from faith for faith.
- From faith – God’s faithfulness (he keeps his promises)
- For faith – The faith of an individual (believing unto salvation)
- This ultimately means nothing but faith in Jesus Christ can make us right with God. Without faith it is impossible to please God.
4) Since in the Gospel God’s faithfulness is shown and our faith is sustained the end result is living by faith.
5) We are made right with God by the Gospel thus we live by faith.
6) The word live means made alive or enjoy life. We are made alive and enjoy life through faith in Jesus Christ.
1) Pray you will never, ever, never shy away from or be ashamed of who you are as a child of God and the powerful message of the Gospel. For there is saving power in the gospel.
2) Pray you will live your Christian life to the fullest, that you will be fully alive in Christ through faith.
[1] Moo, Douglas: The Epistle to the Romans. Grand Rapids, MI/Cambridge UK: William B. Eerdmans Publishing Company, 1996, p. 67
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