Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Makes Me Wanna Sing (Part 2)

Psalm 98 (For us today)
As believers we are called to sing to the Lord in praise and adoration of the marvelous and divine works God has done.  We are invited to join with all of creation in singing about the greatness of our God and the salvation He has made available to us.  I have a hard time understanding how individuals do not get excited about salvation.  My mind is boggled when I talk to individuals who say they have a relationship with God or are believers in Christ and yet they have no apparent joy and their commitment to God seems to be more of a burden than an act of worship to the one who has given literally everything to us for our enjoyment and His glory.

Maybe I am naive but I don’t understand how singing praises to God can be such a dividing factor within the body of Christ.  Sure, we all have preferences of styles of music but we often look past the message of a song or hymn and base our worship experience on whether we prefer a certain style or not.  I admittedly confessed that I hate country western music, but I also am not so narrow minded to think that God cannot be glorified through that STYLE of music.  If I went to a backwoods country western church and they broke out the banjo, washboard, upright bass and 50 gallon cowboy hats and led the congregation in God glorifying praise then I would join in with the band of believers and worship God joyfully.  The same goes for organ music, rock music, acoustic etc.  I hear people talk about the old hymns and refer to them as funeral dirges or lifeless songs that are wordy and confusing.  That is just as narrow thinking as mine is when it comes to country western praise.  With hymns like “A Mighty Fortress is Our God” by Martin Luther which is a hymn so filled with praise, inspiration and joy that I cannot sing that song without being brought into the presence of God.  

I digress…
          If we are to step back for a moment and look at how Psalm 98 can apply to us today we can ask three questions.
1)     Since we have salvation this is a cause for singing and celebrating; so what shall we sing?  The answer: a new song.  What does that new song look and sound like?  It is a song that is sung with a new heart and with joy because you have experienced the life altering grace of God.
2)     How should we sing this new song?  JOYFULLY with our voices and with instruments.  You may not be a musical person by nature; but as a Christian (one who has been redeemed by the saving power of Jesus Christ) by nature you are now joyful.  Sing (whether in tune or out of tune) with a joyful heart.
3)     Maybe I don’t like singing; so why should I?  Because our joy in salvation can often not be expressed in words and through music we can express our gratitude to a God who has given everything to us so sing with your heart and express your joy in following Jesus.  If that isn’t convincing enough then we should sing because God’s Word tells us to.  In this Psalm the writer doesn’t say, “If you feel like it or are talented enough then sing to the Lord a new song.”  Sorry, it doesn’t read like that.  It is a call to all of the nation of Israel, the nations of the earth and all of creation to SING joyfully and noisily unto the Lord because He has given us reason (SALVATION – victory over death and evil) to celebrate and sing to Him.  My wife and I were talking to a dear friend one time about singing praises and my wife said, "I don't have a good singing voice."  He responded, "God gave you your voice so he has to listen to it."  So don't hold back in singing to God... Sing with all you have!

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