Friday, December 31, 2010

Morning Prayer

Lord, give me strength and wisdom to get through this day and coming year. May I be a man who reflects the heart of Jesus. May your Word be alive in me and that I live my life today as your servant. Help me to be the husband and father you have called me to be. May the fruit of the Spirit be evident in me as I am loving, patient, gentle, and kind in all of my actions towards my family. I lift them up before you and intercede on their behalf. I pray my children will continue to follow you daily and you would protect them from giving in to the temptations of the world. Give them wisdom in their decision making, actions and in their friendships. As a father and husband may my I love be evident to my family the way it is evident in your love for the Church.

As a servant of your flock I pray for wisdom in leading this congregation in 2011. Shield me from the fiery darts of gossip, slander, criticism, anger, bitterness that may come my way. Continually remind me that I am here in Spring Valley not by the calling of man but by the divine appointment of you. Give me the courage to speak the truth in love every week and not words only to make people feel good. May the words of my mouth and the teachings I teach be acceptable to you Lord and inspired by You.

Raise up leaders in our midst who love you, are devoted to you and well grounded in your Word. I pray the Congregational Church will be a light in this town and we would be a reflection of You. Give us a passion to love you, love others and make disciples of Christ. Protect this flock from the lures of the evils of this world. Watch over our marriages and families. May your Spirit break through to the youth of our community and cause them to live their lives for you unashamedly. Keep our elderly close to you and continually remind them they are loved and cared for. For our widows, widowers and singles bring peace and comfort into their lives and fulfill the desires of their hearts. To the unsaved who attend week after week and hear the Word; break through to their hearts this week and may they enter into a love relationship with you.

God you are faithful and trustworthy. You have not failed your people at all. I put complete trust and all hope into you for this day and for this coming New Year. Pour your Spirit out plentifully on our church and in this community. Flood the valley with your Spirit and bring new life to us Lord.

I pray this all in Jesus' name.


Thursday, December 30, 2010

Where to Begin?

Well here it is the day before the day before New Years day. I never really understood why people make such a big fuss about New Years. To me it is just another day and (another) reason for people to go out and drink more than they should and drive when they shouldn't. Plus those new years resolutions! Oh how I hate those! I don't think I have had one stick since I began making them.

However the one thing I do like about New Years is the time I take to reflect on the past year and plan for the coming year. As I look back at 2010 I am surprised that I still have my sanity. A lot of things have happened this year and I am just waiting patiently for God to iron out all this turmoil and confusion around and begin moving in my life and church in a mighty way. God has been faithful and He will always remain faithful so I am not sweating it. As I look to 2011 I am reminded of what my goal for the year should be in John Piper's "Taste and See: Savoring the Supremacy of God in All of Life" devotional. This quote struck me today, "We should pray for God to change hearts so that they (those with hardened hearts) can see the beauty of the truth and love it (even if the truth hurts)." I added the parenthesis statements .

My plan for 2011 is to pray for the hearts (of unbelievers and the hard hearted) to be changed, broken and reshaped to the heart of God. Two things I was reminded of this past year that led to this goal were

  1. I cannot change someone. Heart change is God's deal.
  2. Telling the truth can hurt (or better yet get someone really mad at you) sometimes but it is the right thing to do.

I know this isn't anything new and it certainly is not rocket science but it is something that I have to continually keep at the front of my mind. I pray today for the hard hearted, the apathetic heart, and the rebellious heart. May those who have these hearts hear the truth (God's truth) and love it.

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Vision and Dream

A vision should lead to action; a dream should lead to a plan...

I have been churning this phrase over and over in my mind for the last month or so and I feel it is time to put down on virtual paper my heart and my thoughts. I ask you pray alongside me as I contemplate this and find my role in seeing this happen.

Our Vision (for Spring Valley Congregational Church) is "To love God, love others and make disciples (who in turn love God, love others and make disciples)." Are we (or am I) doing this? What action steps are we (or am I) taking to do this?

The Dream (I have) for our church and community is to see believers living their lives for Jesus as though they do believe and unbelievers turning to Jesus as Lord and Savior.

I have been praying for the day when God breaks the shackles and strong holds of addiction, adultery (or sexual promiscuity in general), abuse, apathy and religion that has our community and congregations in bondage. What is the plan to help make this happen? The plan for now is to pray! Let us start praying against these strongholds and begin praying for the Holy Spirit to come and set people free. Pray that addictions (to alcohol, drugs, pornography, power and prestige) will be replaced with dependance on God. Pray that marriages would be restored and protected. Pray that physically and verbally abusive relationships would be transformed to respectful and loving relationships. Pray that people will begin to actually care about what is going on around them. Help them to get out of their "it has always been done this way" mentality. Finally pray that people would fall in love with a Savior who gave everything to us so we could have a relationship (not a mindless obligation) with him and the body.

Sure we can sit around and hope it does happen someday, but I don't believe it will if we do nothing.

Pray with me for Spring Valley (If you are not from Spring Valley then at least pray for your community). God is up to something and I can't wait to find out what it is.

Monday, December 27, 2010

Some Thoughts on Leadership from John Stott

Six Qualities of Christian Leadership
John Stott

  1. The Christian leader has a clear vision.

    * Vision is a deep dissatisfaction with what is and a clear grasp of what could be. It begins with indignation over the status quo and grows into the earnest quest for an alternative.

  2. The Christian leader feels deeply about his vision.

    It is not enough to see the present situation as displeasing to God and to discern how it could be changed. We must also feel both indignation and compassion.

  3. The Christian leader seeks support from both God and human beings.

    * Nehemiah is a good example… He was neither so super-spiritual that he cried only to God and considered human help superfluous nor so super-confident in human resources that he considered prayer to God unnecessary.

    * Prayer and action are not alternative options. Nor are they incompatible with each other. They belong together, and either without the other is dangerously unbalanced.

  4. The Christian leader develops a realistic plan.

    * The dreams of the night often evaporate in the cool light of the morning. So dreamers have to become thinkers, planners and workers. People of vision need to become people of action.

    * Thus in true leadership vision and action, a dream and a plan go together.

  5. The Christian leader attracts a following.

    The authentic leader inspires people to follow his lead, for he sees his task as a cooperative enterprise.

  6. The Christian leader refuses to be discouraged.

    * Once a work of God begins, opposition can be expected. The forces of reaction muster, and hostility comes out into the open.

    * Discouragement is the chief occupational hazard of a leader.

    * Derision and slander are poisonous weapons in the hands of the enemy. But the true leader refuses to give in. He or she perseveres.

John Stott, Through the Bible Through the Year (Grand Rapids: Baker Books, 2006), 129 - 131

Thursday, December 23, 2010

The Mortal Sin of Blogging

I have committed the mortal sin of blogging. You may be thinking, what pray tell is the mortal sin of blogging? No entries in over TWO YEARS! I sit here red faced (from embarrassment) because it has been over TWO YEARS (did I mention that?) since I have entered anything on this site. If this blog were my child I would have been thrown into jail for neglect!

So, what is my reason for not blogging in over two years?
1) I haven't had anything to say in two years
2) I simply forgot I had a blog
3) Laziness
4) Why blog since nobody reads this anyway?

First off, if any of you know me personally you know I am never short for words or stirring up controversial discussions (especially in the arena of ministry and Christianity). I think providentually God kept me from blogging because I would have gotten in trouble with some of the thoughts, feelings and ramblings I would have posted these past few years.

Secondly, I did forget I had a blog page. I have moved into a new home since my last post. You know when you pack something in a box and a year later open the box and say, "Oh yeah, I forgot I packed this thing." That's kind of the moment I had this morning when I found this blog page.

Thirdly, blogging may not sound like a lot of work but it is when you aren't disciplined in this area. I am disciplined in my morning coffee (maybe obsessed is more like it). I am disciplined in keeping my iTunes collection updated and in order. I am disciplined in shoveling the driveway when it snows. However I am not disciplined in blogging. Most days it is just easier to say, "I'm not writing today... It's too much work and I don't have the energy to do it." Which leads to the fourth reason.

Why blog since no one is reading it? Honestly, that is probably biggest reason I don't blog regularly. The only thing worse than preaching one of your best sermons to an empty sanctuary is pouring your thoughts, feelings and ramblings out for the whole world to see and nobody (or at least hardly anyone) cares enough to read it.

If I feel this way (specifically #4) then why am I bothering even posting now? I don't know... But I guess I am going to give this another try. I am not promising a daily blog update. Sure I will probably have a lot of posts at first but it will eventually taper off and I need you (faithful reader, whoever you are) to keep me on my toes. A simple hello would be a good motivator, a comment now and then would be nice and the grand prize would be to become a follower (Wow, that is the Cadillac of motivations).

So maybe I will talk to you tomorrow... or maybe I won't.

Random thought: I repent for committing the mortal sin of blogging. I hope it is not too late and I can be forgiven of this treachery.