Thursday, December 30, 2010

Where to Begin?

Well here it is the day before the day before New Years day. I never really understood why people make such a big fuss about New Years. To me it is just another day and (another) reason for people to go out and drink more than they should and drive when they shouldn't. Plus those new years resolutions! Oh how I hate those! I don't think I have had one stick since I began making them.

However the one thing I do like about New Years is the time I take to reflect on the past year and plan for the coming year. As I look back at 2010 I am surprised that I still have my sanity. A lot of things have happened this year and I am just waiting patiently for God to iron out all this turmoil and confusion around and begin moving in my life and church in a mighty way. God has been faithful and He will always remain faithful so I am not sweating it. As I look to 2011 I am reminded of what my goal for the year should be in John Piper's "Taste and See: Savoring the Supremacy of God in All of Life" devotional. This quote struck me today, "We should pray for God to change hearts so that they (those with hardened hearts) can see the beauty of the truth and love it (even if the truth hurts)." I added the parenthesis statements .

My plan for 2011 is to pray for the hearts (of unbelievers and the hard hearted) to be changed, broken and reshaped to the heart of God. Two things I was reminded of this past year that led to this goal were

  1. I cannot change someone. Heart change is God's deal.
  2. Telling the truth can hurt (or better yet get someone really mad at you) sometimes but it is the right thing to do.

I know this isn't anything new and it certainly is not rocket science but it is something that I have to continually keep at the front of my mind. I pray today for the hard hearted, the apathetic heart, and the rebellious heart. May those who have these hearts hear the truth (God's truth) and love it.


Mancipes said...

Funny, I just said to Adrin about two weeks agao that I didn't know how you and Carrie handled all the change this year! We had a lot and barely feel like we have our heads above water from day to day. You guys are always in our prayers!

collette said...

All of my readings and verses have been about allowing ourselves to be and remain broken before HIM. This last year has been to say the least painful for several of us... but what is so amazing to me is how OUR AWESOME GOD is using all of it for good and his glory- WOW! I look at how close our church family has gotten... through small group, bible studies, Youth group, and authentic Godly friendships! I am so humbled at the compassion, truth telling, and unconditional Love shown to me and my family by our Christian friends. FINALLY when I walk through doors I feel like I'm home. The New Year Looks promising with God working In our church and through each other!

cjewing said...

Very fitting prayer, especially for SV; much more that just praying for more numbers...I think God blesses the first much more. Then the second is a by-product of the first.
I on the other hand, kind of like New Year's Eve. Sean & I like to look back, forward, pray, set some goals, & hope for the best...hope in God to continue to move is always a good thing, even if things turn out different than we envision.