Sunday, June 2, 2013

Our Response

Erwin Lutzer states, “We should never give the impression that because Satan is the god of this world, God kind of says, ‘Well, what am I going to do? He is the god of this world. I just have to let him do whatever he wants.” He is like a bee without a stinger. He may look scary but there is no power in his sting because he has no stinger.

I hope I have established the fact that we do have an enemy and the enemy is Satan. He wants to devour you like a hungry lion. We are in a wrestling match with evil and you and I are not strong enough to overcome or pin down the evil one in our own strength. However we do have the protection and the necessary equipment given to us by God to be successful in this battle.

God does have a protection plan for us! The first thing to realize as we fight this battle is our strength does not come from us. It doesn’t matter how strong you are physically, how holy you may act or how much you read your Bible, our strength comes from Jesus Christ alone! He is our strength and our power! God has given us the means to fight this battle and to be protected against the attacks of evil in Jesus. Paul refers to this protection as the armor of God and I will talk about this more next.

If you cannot wait until the next blog I will give you a glimpse into our first and initial response and this is to PUT ON THE ARMOR of God! We cannot be protected if we just have the armor sitting on the side and we never put it on! We are told to put on the armor so we can stand against the schemes of the devil. The Bible tells us that Satan masquerades himself as an angel of light. He is a first class deceiver and he’s very good at it. Klyne Snodgrass writes, “Evil rarely looks evil until it accomplishes its goal; it gains entrance by appearing attractive, desirable and perfectly legitimate. It is a baited camouflaged trap.”

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