Monday, June 3, 2013

The Armored Saint

Read Ephesians 6:10 - 20
The Armor

(Weapons of Defense)

The Belt of Truth: The belt or girt in Roman armor (which is probably the style of armor Paul is using for the example) was a vital piece. It was usually a 6-8” leather belt that every piece of armor was attached to and was used to tie loose flowing garments. Without the belt nothing would be secured and the armor would eventually fall off or be a hindrance to the soldier. It was a foundational piece of the armor. The truth is foundational to the believer.  Jesus says in John 14:6, “I am the way, the truth and the life, no man comes to the father except through me.” Jesus is the belt that holds everything together. Spiritual victory is hinged to the truth of Jesus and the Gospel. We are in a vigorous battle and God wants us tie up our garments and connect all of our armor to the truth of the Gospel of Jesus Christ and allow this truth be the foundation of who we are.

The Breastplate of Righteousness: The breastplate was a bronze shield that was strapped over the chest to cover the heart.  The heart is an essential organ in human body. Righteousness simply means being right with God. In Jesus we are made righteous. We are not righteous in our own accord. In fact humans at the core are evil and at odds with God. When we submit ourselves fully to God (As Romans 12:1, 2 tells us) we become righteous in the eyes of God. Since we are made right with God He will protect our hearts. He will provide life, he will keep safe from the attacks of the heart. If the heart stops pumping, then life ends. J. Vernon McGee writes, “Christ is the righteousness of the believer…Only the righteousness of Christ can enable a believer to stand before God.” And I would add, “And to stand against the attacks of Satan.”

Shoes of the Gospel of peace: The Gospel of peace is exactly what it says it is; the good news of peace. The word Gospel literally means “good news”. The footwear represents readiness and preparation and the feet represent agility and endurance. As believers engaged in warfare we must always be prepared to share and stand firm in the Gospel. Most importantly we must be willing to live it. The Gospel of Jesus Christ is the power of salvation.

Shield of Faith: The shield Paul has in mind is one that is made up of three layers of wood and covered in leather that was fully soaked in water. According to D.A. Carson, “In battle (the shields) could be locked together with others to form a wall in front, and a roof overhead.” They provided a source of security and protection against the arrows and spears hurled at them. Like a shield, faith in Christ is what protects us from the fiery arrows and spears of the evil one. These arrows or darts that are hurled could be things like evil desires, guilt, doubt, anger, lust, fear, criticism, worthlessness, depression, and anything else that would cause one to take his eyes off God. The faith Paul is talking about in this passage does not refer to what one would call general belief or faith, but instead the saving faith in Jesus. This faith is what gives the believer security in his relationship with Jesus. Another one of Satan’s tactics is to cause insecurity in the believer, he says, “Oh you did this? Well, God’s not going to accept you anymore. You did that? Well, God’s through with you, He doesn’t love you anymore.” Your faith in Christ will protect you from these fiery darts that Satan will shoot at you daily!

The Helmet of Salvation: The purpose of a helmet is to protect the head. God’s salvation is our greatest source of protection. The continual reminder that those who have repented of their sins, responded to the calling of God to become one with Jesus.  A completely submitted and obedient life to Jesus Christ is the believer's true source of victory. If you do not have Jesus as your personal savior, then this battle cannot be won.

(Weapons of Offense)

The Sword of the Spirit: The sword is the Word of God (which verse 17 reminds us). Christ is the fulfillment of the Word of God. (I John 1:1) The Word of God is powerful! Hebrews 4:12 says, For the word of God is living and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart. This weapon is not only used as a means of defense but also is used to attack. The Word of God is powerful, when Jesus was tempted in the desert he used to Word of God to fend off the devil and it was sufficient. We must cling to the Word of God; we must know it and love it, for in it is power.

Pray in the Spirit: This last weapon is sometimes overlooked as an actual weapon. Klyne Snodgrass says, “The well-armed soldier in Christ’s army, by definition, is continually praying in the Spirit and alert.” Praying in the Spirit strengthens you. When you pray in the Spirit you communicate with God and He communes with you.

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