Vs. 8 - 10: Paul reminds us why God does what he does by giving life to the spiritually dead. It is true
He has an abundance of mercy however the reason why we even have the opportunity to have life is simply a matter of grace or God’s unmerited favor shown to undeserving mankind; his grace. It is by God's grace that you have life. you and I did not deserve redemption or salvation, we deserve hell. We deserve death. We do not deserve anything good. Because of God’s unmerited favor shown to those who believe (Put their faith in Jesus Christ) you and I do not receive hell and death. God provided a way to eternal life and redemption through the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. This is THE gift from God. We receive life by grace through faith. (Heb. 11:1).
We do well when we realize that our salvation is not based upon our works. If you think you are getting on God’s “nice list” by attending church, giving an offering and enduring through painfully long sermons then you are gravely mistaken. We receive eternal life based upon what Christ did for us (His works through grace).
When we are called by God it was because He first loved us, not vice versa. Our response to Him is based upon our conviction of sin by the Holy Spirit who awakens us and calls us to repentance and faith in Jesus Christ. God calls us to receive His gift of Grace, Jesus Christ. Unfortunately not all do respond to Him in the way He so desires.
Salvation is a gift from God by grace (unmerited favor) through faith (an uncompromised belief that Jesus is Lord of all and completely trusting in Him in all ways). If salvation was based upon our works that would leave room to boast, thus taking away the glory of God and His gift of grace, in turn making man prideful and arrogant. If we could be saved by our works then the cross of Christ would have been for no reason. Good works are important, as a believer; for the Bible tells us that our good works are the fruit or evidence of our relationship with Christ. But our works will not save us and make us righteous before God. Only by faith in Jesus Christ which is by grace can we then be in right with Him.
Are you fully alive in Christ? God’s grace, love and mercy is so great that He has given us (who believe in faith) life instead of death. Through Jesus Christ we now have a new life, a life where we are fully alive, thriving and in need of nothing because the Spirit of God dwells in each of us. The old ways; the sinful, dark ungodly ways are gone and we no longer have to live in the murky waters of the world. We now live in the fresh waters of Jesus Christ; victorious over sin, darkness and evil and thriving in the Kingdom of God and sharing the Good News that Jesus has come and His Kingdom has come. Life will try and beat you down but take comfort and security in the understanding that nothing that comes your way can defeat you or hold you down in this life or the life to come because Jesus has defeated death and sin.
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