Apostles (I Cor. 12:28 & Eph. 4:11)
A messenger. One that is sent, a delegate. An Apostle is a God ordained individual who
fills the role of being a special messenger.
Generally this was restricted to the immediate followers of Jesus
Christ, but was later extended to other Christians who were actively
proclaiming the Gospel message (Paul). In
a nutshell an apostle is an authorized agent of God who is responsible for
explaining and spreading the Good News.
Currently many define an Apostle as an individual who has the ability to
lead or oversee multiple churches or has the calling and God given gift of
developing church plants through the declaration of this special messenger.
This is
considered a more controversial gift since some argue that it is not a gift
(Which I believe it is because it is listed with other Spiritual gifts) and is
instead an appointed position in the Church which this is as well.
Example: There is a widely held belief
that the gift/calling of Apostles was only appointed to the 12 disciples and
Paul and no longer exists. I disagree
because Paul refers to various individuals throughout his letters as Apostles
(Romans 16:7). Luke calls Paul’s travel
companion Barnabas an Apostle in Acts 14:14.
Caution: There are many “self appointed” Apostles in
the body that use this title as a means of gaining control over churches and
individuals for their personal gain. An
Apostle is only concerned with spreading the Gospel and furthering the Kingdom
of God.
Teaching/Teachers (I Cor. 12:28)
The God-given gift of giving instruction
and communicating biblical truths in ways that is clear and relevant. People with this gift enjoy giving clear
instruction in to Gods Word so people can more easily understand and apply it
in their own lives. A teacher also
enjoys study, research and “digging deeper” into the Word of God. He/she can in turn communicate his/her
discoveries and insights to others with relative ease because they are
empowered by the Spirit.
This is
one of the gifts that I scored very high.
I attribute my ability to communicate the Word of God to those I teach
to the Holy Spirit and it is through his power I am able to give clarity and
example(s) – Act 18:24 – 26… Acquilla and Prescilla explained more clearly to
Apollos the teaching of God. He spoke
with boldness and was accurate in his teaching but the two took him aside to
give him further understanding. He
probably had not either heard of the resurrection or maybe the outpouring of
the Holy Spirit.
Caution –
This is a gift given by God. Just
because your occupation may be teaching (school teacher, college professor, on
job instruction) does not necessarily mean you have the gift. But it also does not mean you don’t. The gift of teaching is in the area of
teaching God’s Word and always given by God.
Administrating (I Cor. 12:28)
To steer a ship, to guide. This is the God given gift to give guidance
and direction especially when determining where God is leading and what we
should be investing our time, talents and resources. It could include the ability to organize and
help things run more efficiently and orderly.
It is not uncommon for one with this gift to be able to handle finances
well and has a God-given talent to use God’s resources in ways that benefit the
body and expand the Kingdom. This person
probably has the ability to take care of details (probably detail oriented) and
is good at problem solving.
example - Titus 1:5: Paul explains to Titus that the reason he left him in
charge in Crete so he could exercise his gift of administration by organizing
elders and bring order.
Caution –
We are not to confuse a person who is nitpicky, a cheapskate and a control freak. Individuals like this need to be in charge of
the situation so they can control the outcome and have things function the way
they think they should function. Someone
with the gift of administration has the gift to bring organization to a church
or group of individuals so it may run more effectively for God’s glory and not
for his/her need to be in control.
Evangelists (Eph. 4:11)
One who announces the Gospel of Jesus Christ. This is the God-given gift where the Spirit
empowers or directs a believer to boldly proclaim the Gospel message of Jesus
Christ to unbelievers. Individuals with
this gift have a strong concern for unbelievers and have a passion and desire
to speak the truth of the Gospel to them.
An individual with this gift is usually drawn to unbelievers rather than
repulsed by or condemning them.
example – Acts 21:8 mentions Philip who was an Evangelist and Paul encourages
Timothy to do the work of an evangelist in 1 Tim. 4:5.
Caution –
Not everyone has the gift of evangelism but all Christians are called to
evangelize (share Jesus with unbelievers) at some point in their lives…
Actually more people have the gift of pushing people away from Jesus by
constantly badgering them to accept Jesus.
I knew one person who used to stand on the chair in the high school
cafeteria and would begin preaching at people.
He was ineffective because he was working more out of the idea of what
he thought evangelism was instead of being sensitive to the Holy Spirits
direction in sharing the Gospel.
Pastors/Shepherd/Teachers (Eph. 4:11)
One who is put in charge to care for and can
give guidance to a congregation. These
individuals have the God-given gift to teach sound doctrine and be able to expound the word of God and give a defense of the faith, and to admonish when necessary.
A Pastor/shepherd is one who is an overseer and is willing to protect,
guide, teach and watch over his people.
Scriptural example – I Timothy 3:1 – 7 gives a
great definition of what a Pastor/Shepherd and his qualifications.
Caution – Many are willing but few are
called. Some view Pastor/Shepherds as an
occupation or career instead of a calling and divinely appointed position. When both individual Pastors and churches
start viewing their Pastor/Shepherd as an employee or occupation then the
Spirit has very little room to move.
There are many talented individuals who can play the part of a
Pastor/Shepherd but this gift is not based on natural talent but is based upon
God’s call on an individual.
Hospitality (I Peter 4:9)
The God-given gift to welcome strangers and/or
entertain individuals in your home and doing it with delight and kindness. Individuals with this gift love to have
guests to their homes and welcome them with kindheartedness and joy. They often welcome strangers into their midst
and make them feel at home. These people
often have a home that is welcoming and warm.
is more than having people over for a nice dinner (which is certainly part of
it) and then shoving them out the door so you can clean your house. It is more about sharing who you are and what
you have with others. People will often
feel comfortable in your home (no matter how organized or disorganized it may
seem… People who are more concerned about cleanliness of home rather than those
who just have an inviting warm and open home).
It is inviting people into your life and letting them live alongside you
during your time together.
This was
top on my spiritual gifts inventory.
example – Matthew 8:14, 15 Jesus heals Peter’s mother-in-law and once she is
healed she serves them.
Caution –
2 John 10, 11 says not to offer hospitality or open your home to false teachers.
As we round the corner bringing us closer to the conclusion of this series I really hope and pray these past few weeks have been insightful and challenging to you. I personally believe that as we each begin to discover our own individual gifts we will start becoming empowered to use them for the benefit of the body of Christ and grow in your relationship with Christ. I encourage you all to continue in this journey and ask God how He wants to use you in this body.