Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Makes Me Wanna Sing (Part 1)

Psalm 98

Anybody who knows me at all knows that I love music.  Ever since I was a young boy at the ripe ole age of five I have been a music lover to the core.  Music has always played a vital role in my life.  For most of my teenage and early 20’s years I was involved in performing music in one sense or another.  Even today I like to twiddle around on the guitar a bit.  I tell you this because in today’s Psalm we are going to venture down the road of praising God through music.  Many times when we refer to praise and worship in the church we are speaking of the music aspect of a worship service. 

Music has played a key role in the modern church service.  Why is that?  I personally believe music is a form of expression and a way of communicating in ways we can't naturally communicate.  This is made perfectly clear throughout the Psalms.  The word Psalm itself means “song”.  There are 150 songs in the middle of your Bible that are various forms of expression and of praise and worship towards the Almighty God.  Singing songs was and remains an important part of the believer’s life both in the Old and New Testament.  Time spent together singing praises to God is a beautiful and holy gathering because this is the one time where we can truly open our hearts to God and proclaim with an unadulterated heart how great, mighty and awesome He is.
This brings up the question then, if praise and worship (or the music aspect of a church service) is such a vital part of the assembling of believers, then why has it been a point of contention in the church throughout the centuries?  This seems like a silly question since praise and worship is intended to unify the body of Christ but in more recent years has been a major driving force in dividing the body.  I will admit it is not necessarily the act of praise and worship which is dividing but the root of the division falls in the category of personal style and preference. 

We all have a personal preference of style of music we enjoy and prefer.  I DO NOT like country and western music at all.  I am more of a product of the 80’s where I like my music a little heavier and a lot less twangy.  Does this mean that I believe one cannot praise God in country and western music?  Yes it does!  I am kidding of course.  No, as believers we can praise God with any style of music… even country and western.  I think the Bible (and the Psalms in particular) is clear in setting up guidelines for praise and worship and they are as followed
1)     It needs to be done with a joyful heart.
2)     It needs to be genuine and heartfelt.
3)     It needs to be done.

Unfortunately in this day and age I am seeing less and less praise and worship done this way.  As a pastor and a participant in the church setting I sometimes wonder if there is any joy in praising God at all.  Please don’t take that to be a criticism in any way since I am not here to make anyone feel guilty at all.  If anything my goal is to help you be free in praise and worship to God.  Today we will look at Psalm 98 and hopefully glean something from it pertaining to our hearts and attitude towards praise and worship through song.

Psalm 98
Psalm 98 is one of celebration of the Kingship of God through music.  You may or may not know this particular Psalm was the inspiration behind Sir Isaac Watts hymn “Joy To the World”.  It is broken down into three parts 
  1. God’s people singing praise to God for salvation 
  2. Inviting the world to join in on the praise 
  3. Creation joins in on praise for the righteous judgment of God. 

Vs 1a:  “Sing to the Lord a new song”…  First off the Psalmist invites the people of God to sing.  In this passage we are not only called to sing but we are called to sing a new song.  This does not necessarily imply that the song needs to be a fresh composition (so there is no need to write a new song every week and it certainly doesn’t mean that we should always sing fresh new songs all the time); but it may mean that we are to sing a song in response to an experience of God’s grace.  We are to sing with a new heart. 
Vs 1b “For he has done marvelous things…”  The second part to this verse tells us why we should sing this new song because God has done marvelous things.  God always does marvelous (extraordinary, far surpassing, great acts) things and should continually be praised for them. 
          In this particular song God is to be praised for his right hand and holy arm.  This is symbolic for God’s salvation.  Right arm represents God’s strength and power and his holy arm represents His intervention.  Through God’s almighty power and intervention salvation is attained. 
          In the OT salvation generally refers to God intervening in battle and saving, delivering or bringing victory to the Israelites.  God saves them from their enemies.
          In the NT salvation means victory over spiritual powers.  God has wonderfully intervened on our behalf through Jesus Christ and has given us victory over death and evil.  This is a great cause for us to sing about and celebrate.
          Salvation is not done by human means, or in an ordinary way.  Salvation is through an unprecedented manner.

Vs. 2 -3:  God has revealed or uncovered his salvation for all to experience.  He has done this for his righteous name sake.  He showed his power in salvation to the Israelites and then He made his divine power of salvation known to the gentiles.  In God’s mercy (steadfast love) He brought salvation to Israel.  He made a promise to the nation that He would be their God and they would be His people and God remembers his promise.  As a result of God’s faithfulness the nations have seen this marvelous work of salvation.

Vs. 4 – 6:  The response is an invitation for all of humanity to join in singing this song of celebration.  They are not called to joyfully make a noise to the Lord.  “Joyful noise” – shout, war cry, a shout of triumph, to shout in applause - to the Lord.
          The Psalmist encourages the use of instruments to praise God.  Play your instruments with heartfelt joy and complete praise to God.  The use of instruments in music is not intended to be a time for the musician to show off his talents, but is genuinely to play with all he has to the Lord with joy.  Perform for an audience of ONE.

Vs. 7 – 9:  Israel is singing about Gods salvation, the human race is joyously making a noise because of salvation and now creation joins in with the beautiful song of praise and adoration to God.  Creation is rejoicing at the coming of God to righteously judge and rule the earth and set all things right.  Creation rejoices because God is a fair and just judge and this time will be a wonderful time of renewal.

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