Wednesday, February 23, 2011

He Must Increase

As I was studying the text this morning for Sunday's sermon the words of John the Baptist have struck a chord in my heart today. "He must increase, I must decrease." Such a simple, yet profound statement. As I prayed this morning I said, "Lord make my attitude be that of John the Baptist."

The church and ministry that God has given me charge over has nothing to do with ME and increasing my influence in the world; it has all to do with Jesus. I do not want to waste an iota of my time trying to promote myself because none of what I do has anything to do with me and advancing my agenda. I want to promote Jesus and His Kingdom... God has given me charge to point this congregation and all of my friends, peers and relatives to Jesus.

Lord, I continue my prayer today... "You must increase in my life, ministry, family, relationships, work, recreation etc. and I must decrease because all I do I want to do for you."