Monday, February 21, 2011

A Pastor's Success

"A pastor who feels competent in himself to produce eternal fruit- which is the only kind that matters- knows neither God nor himself. A pastor who does not know the rhythm of desperation and deliverance must have sights only on what man can achieve... We are called to labor for that which is God's alone to give. The essence of the Christian ministry is that success is not within our reach." John Piper (Brothers We Are Not Professionals)

The above quote really hit me this morning. I love the last sentence, "The essence of Christian ministry is that success is not within our reach." How true this is. As a Pastor I am called to labor in Christian ministry nevertheless success is not a result of my labor but because of God's grace. I am called to pray continually for the congregation, use my time wisely to prepare a message that is Gospel-centered and God glorifying, and love God's people. However the end result of my labors is not up to me, it is up to God. If He in His grace and sovereignty decides to bless us it is only because He will be glorified. No amount of planning, scheming and vision casting can MAKE God do what I want Him to do. Sure I can come up with some great programs that will appeal to the public, I can create a message that will tug at hearts, and create a vision that will encourage the troops to go out and take our little town for the glory of God. But if God is not in any of these things then it is pointless.

My success is not God's concern... His glory is. So I will commit my ministry, time and life to seeking His will and getting on board with Him for His glory. Lord, "Your Kingdom come, your will be done on earth as it is in heaven." I will trust you and believe your will to be accomplished.

1 comment:

cjewing said...

That is exactly what any of us can do; allow God to accomplish what He wills, not what I will. It is so all about Him & not us. We know it when He asks us to do the hard stuff & how we respond :) But He is always with us & won't forsake us & empowers us!