Thursday, June 13, 2013

New World Man


Vs 28 - 30:  This is the passage that defines or describes what I call the 180 degree life. Since we are a new creation in Christ we now walk contrary to the way of the old man. Paul uses the example of a thief who once stole for a living who has been transformed and is now working hard for his wages in order to make a living for himself. This kind of person would have made a 180 degree turn in his life.

The new life affects all aspects of your life. You no longer do what you did before.  Paul points out that the new life affects the way we speak. He says you no longer use corrupt talk but instead words that are edifying and build others up. The NET bible translates the word corrupt as “unwholesome”. The "unwholesome means “to cause decay”. These are words that destroy or tear down. This includes negative or harsh criticism, words spoken in anger, bullying, lying, and verbal regurgitation. Believers are to be careful and must allow the power of the Spirit in your life to use the words you speak carefully.  Words can be more dangerous and harmful than physical weapons or beatings. A person who is not a new creation in Christ does not bridle his tongue (as James talks about). He/she uses his/her words as a weapon to tear down and harm others. Since you are a new creation use your words for good... to build up and edify; not tear down and destroy.

The new life also does not grieve the Holy Spirit. Grieving the Holy Spirit I take to mean that I do not hinder the work of the Spirit by living contrary to the Spirit-filled life.  When one proclaims Jesus as Lord and lives a life contrary to his claims (hypocrisy) will cause division in the church, he will dishonor Christ, he will use his words to hurt others and he will live a sin flaunting life and this grieves the Spirit.

Vs 31:  Put aside or put away or take off the following…
  1. Bitterness – Anger that is harbored. This is someone who is cynical, sarcastic, mocking or resentful.
  2. Anger – Bottled up emotions of rage. The actual word here is indignant which means to boil over or well up. This is someone who explodes very easily and releases all their pent up anger at one time and causing a lot of damage.
  3. Wrath – Anger that is exhibited in punishment. This word could also mean someone who is vengeful or finds pleasure in harming others while punishing them
  4. Quarreling – This is the person who goes looking for ways to cause problems. He is always ready to fight and is always ready to stir up dissension. She also can be an instigator who causes fights to erupt from two or more differing parties.
  5. Slanderous talk – Someone who gossips, speaks negatively about, and lying about someone.
  6. Malice - Someone who is bitter, spiteful and hateful.
All of these characteristics can cause division and ultimately hurt the body of Christ thus grieving the Holy Spirit. They are not supposed to be part of the new life in Christ. These are all part of the old life.

Vs 32:  The person who has the new life in Christ is kind. He/she treats people with kindness, dignity and serves other’s needs. She is tenderhearted, or gentle, patient and sympathetic with others. She is quick to forgive which means she won't hold on to the wrongdoings that have been done to her.  She is  willing to show forgiveness to those who seek it from her. God has forgiven us (even when we didn’t deserve it) so we must learn from his example and forgive those who don’t necessarily “deserve” our forgiveness.

When you become a new creation in Christ you become absolutely new by living the 180 degree life. I want to challenge you today to evaluate your life as a new creation in Christ. Are you living as a new creation? Another challenge is to allow the Spirit of God to work through you and be intentional by showing kindness to people around you; by being tenderhearted to your coworkers and family; and by showing forgiveness to those who seek your forgiveness. The last part may be difficult because there may be people God is calling you to forgive that you may not want to or think you can forgive (this is why it is important to allow the Spirit to give you the strength to do it). It may not come right away but continue to ask God to help you become the person who is new in Christ who is intentionally living a fully alive life for Jesus Christ. The new you or the 180 degree life is truly a freeing way to live and the way God intended for us to live.

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