Saturday, June 29, 2013

Open Up the Flood Gates (part 2)

1 Corinthians 9b - 11

Continued from yesterday

Healing (verse 9b)
     This is the God given gift to an individual to lay hands on and pray for an individual to be healed apart from human or natural means.  The work is always Gods doing and is always according to his will.  This gift can be used by an individual who God has chosen to administer divine healing to individuals who are in need of healing and God uses this individual according to his grace. 
  • Example:  There are times when individuals fall ill and God decides to supernaturally intervene and heal someone of their sickness, physical ailment or mental disorder.  He will use individuals that he gifts for the specific purpose of being the human agent of dispensing God’s grace upon someone to heal him/her specifically for his glory.
  • Scriptural example:  There are numerous examples of Jesus healing individuals so God may be glorified.  The apostles healed individuals for the glory or God.  Paul also tells Christians that if anyone is sick among you to call upon the elders of the church to anoint and pray over them in the name of the Lord (James 5:14)
  • Caution:  A person with this gift is not to be considered a person with super powers and has the ability to always heal.  The healing must always be in accordance to God’s will and the person with this gift must be sensitive to God’s leading and directing.  Even Jesus himself did not heal everyone who was ill around him.  I should also note that praying for healing should never replace going to see the doctor.  Sometimes ailments can be healed by human means and some people in their zeal refuse to see a doctor, this is not a good idea.

Miracles (verse 10)
     This is the God given gift to individuals to perform acts of supernatural power or mighty deeds.  It could include healing and other gifts that could be considered miraculous or unable to be explained by human means.
  • Example:  I have personally spoken to individuals who were present or part of a prayer time where individuals who have seen deformed limbs restored or handicapped individuals restored to good health.  I personally have never witnessed a miracle like this but this certainly does not mean it can’t happen.  I am actually envious of people who have witnessed something like this.
  • Biblical Example:  Acts 20:9 Eutachys sits in a window and falls asleep during sermon and dies.  Paul prays over him and he is brought back to life.
  • Caution:  Sometime individuals place more faith in the miracle than they do God.  Sometimes when God does not respond with a miracle people with this gift may have a faith shaking moment.  Other individuals can cause a false hope in a believer or sometimes they are quick to blame the individuals who do not receive the miracle and tell them it is their lack of faith is the reason a miracle did not manifest.  This gift should never be used to tear down or punish a believer.

Prophecy (verse 10)
     This is a specific message God gives at a specific time surrounding a specific event or occurrence.  It can be given to an individual or to a group of people.  Ultimately it is God making known (divinely or supernaturally) something that is/was unknown.  It is one who receives revelation from God.
  • People with this gift often are able to give specific Words that have been spoken to them by God in relation to a past, current or future event.  These individuals are often able to communicate supernaturally (verbally, dreams or through his Word) something from God.  One of the primary ways (not the only) God speaks to believers is through the written Word of God.
  • Biblical Example - The Apostle John and the Book of Revelation.
  • Caution:  Unfortunately there is a lot of abuse with this gift.  There are individuals making claims that God spoke to them something and in reality He did not.  Sometimes people will manipulate others by forcing their will on someone just by claiming that God told them to tell them something.  When you receive a “word” or prophecy from someone is it best to take it before the Lord and ask him to help you determine whether it is from Him or not.
Discernment (verse 10)
     A God given ability to be able to distinguish between what is from God and what is not.  Especially in the case of prophecy one who has the gift of discernment will have the supernatural ability to discern if a prophecy was given by God, man or evil spirit. 
·         People with the gift of discernment have an ability given to them by God to be able to know what is good and from above and what is not.  These individuals usually can sense (and usually without a reason) when God is behind something and when he is not.  I have met people (my wife in particular) who have like a fifth sense (for lack of better terms) in reading various people and often will say, “I don’t have a good reason as to why I believe this person is not of God but there is something about him or her that doesn’t sit well with me.”
·         Biblical Example:  I John 4:1 – 3 (Test the spirits)
·         Caution:  Often people will claim to have discernment because they want to control people.  My personal example… I have had individuals use their “gift” to try to control the way I would do something or they are trying to push their agenda on me.  I.E. “I don’t think you should hang out with this person because they will be poison to you.  You should instead be with other like minded individuals.

Tongues (verse 10)
     A God given ability to speak in another languages or unknown languages and is in need of interpreting by the empowering of God to build up and edify the church.  Often times individuals will pray in tongues (either privately or corporately) so that God would be glorified. 
  • This is probably one of the most common gifts that is manifested in a believer’s life.  This gift is always used to praise God and glorify his name.  Often a person with this gift will be speaking or praying in a language he or she does not know or understand.
  • Biblical Example:  Acts 2:1 – 4 (Pentecost)
  • Caution:  Some denominations will say that speaking in tongues is required for one to be saved.  They believe the manifestation of the Spirit is the evidence that one has become a believer.  There is no clear scriptural text to back this up.  When someone speaks in tongues out loud, an interpreter should be present and able to interpret. 

Interpretation of Tongues (verse 10)
     The God given ability to interpret when someone is speaking in tongues.  God gives individuals the understanding to interpret the unknown words the person with the gifts of tongues proclaims.
  • One with the gift of interpretation must always work with someone who has the gift of tongues.  He/she will be able to proclaim to those listening what the person under the influence of the Spirit is saying.
  • Biblical Example: 1 Cor. 14:5 – If someone prays in tongues there must be interpretation.
  • Caution:  One can easily trick people into believing they are interpreting.  Listen to the interpretation and if it does not build up and edify the body of Christ then you should be very wary of the interpretation.
(Verse 11)
All gifts are given by God to every individual as He wills. 

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